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About Our Church

Our Beliefs:

Our mission is to make disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that the fruit of making disciples will be seen in more souls being saved, converts baptized, lives changed, and more churches planted.


We believe the following regarding salvation from everlasting punishment in a lake of fire:

  1. We have all sinned. (Romans 3:23)

  2. We deserve to die and go to Hell because of our sin. (Romans 6:23a, Revelation 21:8)

  3. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. (Titus 3:5, Ephesians 2:8-9, James 2:10)

  4. Jesus died to pay for our sins. (Romans 5:8)

  5. We receive the gift of eternal life by faith in Christ Jesus alone. (Romans 3:28, Romans 6:23b, John 3:16,18,36)

  6. Once we are saved, we are ALWAYS saved. (Galatians 3:26, John 5:24, Romans 4:1-8)






We believe the Word of God is our authority and guide for both our doctrine and Christian living.

We exclusively use the King James Version of the Bible.


We believe the believer is to live a holy life of service to God.​

We believe that a person is saved from Hell by faith alone without works. However, we also believe that born-again believers are to dedicate their lives to the service of their Saviour. Works for God have a very important purpose in our lives. When we live a life that is dedicated to Christ and His truths, we secure for ourselves blessings and rewards from our Heavenly Father. (I Corinthians 3:10-15, Ephesians 2:8-10, Matthew 6:20) Christians are to  be separated, peculiar people. (I Peter 2:9)


If you have any questions about the beliefs of FBCI concerning any doctrine, please contact us.

Meet Our Assistant Pastors and Adult Sunday School Teachers
Pastoral Staff

Alex & Justina Addo

Public Relations Officer, Teacher of the Abundant Life Class


Eric Arthur

Head of Usher, Teacher of 

Together Builders


Micah & Abbie Christiansen

 Children's Pastor, Headmaster of Fundamental Baptist Academy


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Rancy & Mary Harris

Construction Supervisor, Teacher of the Life Builders Class 


Stephen & Rhoda Opoku

Teen Pastor, Senior High Boys' Teacher


Charles & Lindsey Osgood

Singles Pastor, Choir Director, Teacher the of Difference Makers Class


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Micheal & Abigail Sakyi

Media Director, Teacher of the Gap Fillers Class


Mike & Maria Sarver

Associate Pastor, Teacher of the Common Faith Class


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Emmanuel & Lawrencia Tawiah

Financial Secretary, Teacher of the Faith Builders Class

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